4WD MiniQ Complete Kit
4WD MiniQ mobile robot is especially designed for learning purpose. It comes fully assembled and all your need is a PC with Arduino IDE and 4xAA battery.
The 4WD MiniQ has build-in encoders, 5 infrared line tracking sensor, 2 infrared trasmitter, 1 infrared receiver, two light sensors, 5 buttons and 1 buzzer.
It is powered by most popular Atmega 328P which is fully compatible with Arduino.
The kit comes with
- 4 DC Motor Driven
- Max Speed:79cm/s
- Atmega 328P microcontroller
- Arduino Compatible
- Size: 112x102x42 mm
Shipping List
- 4WD miniQ Robot (Assemlbied)
- Mini USB Cable (1 unit)
- Infrared Remote controller (1 unit)
- High quality plastic box (1 unit)