DFRduino Mega Kit


It comes with the DFRduino Mega (Arduino Mega Compatible), the mega sensor shield, the I2C LCD shield, light sensor, temperature and humididty sensor, analog sound sensor, analog slider sensor,sharp GP2d12 distance sensor and our very popular 7 led light disk with all necessary cables and wires. You will need nothing else to play

  • Sound control lits
  • Display room temperature and humididy on LCD screen
  • Ambient light control
  • Analog light control
  • Mood light
  • Gesture control
  • Many more...

Shipping list

  • DFRduino Mega (DFR0003)
  • DFRduino Mega sensor shield (DFR0035)
  • Analog sound sensor (DFR0034)
  • Digital big button (DFR0029)
  • Analog slider sensor (DFR0053)
  • DHT11 temperature and humididty sensor (DFR0067)
  • Ambient light sensor (DFR0026)
  • I2C LCD Module (DFR0063)
  • Shapr GP2D12 Distance sensor (SEN0010)
  • A-B USB cable (FIT0056)
  • Analog cable (FIT0031)
  • Digital cable (FIT0011) 
  • F/F Jumper cable (FIT0030)
  • Light Disc (DFR0106)